Every Limited Liability Company MUST have an Operating Agreement to complete the owner's personal protection in the face of Litigation. The Operating Agreement MUST provide a clear outline of the rights and responsibilities of all parties to the Florida LLC. This Agreement's provisions cover the procedural issues such as voting rights; rights and responsibilities of the Managers and Owners; financial matters; methods for amending the Operating Agreement; Owner withdrawal; dissolution of the Company; and the Buying and selling of the company's Ownership interest. It is a good idea that LLC governing procedures be establish and memorialized in a written Operating Agreement at the time of incorporating because after the formation of the Florida LLC, matters may not be so easily agreed upon. Our tailor made Contract spells out the rights and obligations of the parties in the event disagreements come up. Even family owners should have an OPERATING AGREEMENT, since it could settle some issues without the expense of litigation. Having an Operating Agreement brings transparency and predictability with regards to issues mentioned above and thus tranquility when engaging in your day to day business activities. We include a single member operating agreement for FREE for single member LLCs; if the company is a Multimember LLC then the cost is only an additional $35.00 for the agreement.